
中田満帆 / a missing person's press による活動報告

a house

"a house"


 a house is bone,
 a house is meat,
 a house is not a mother, 
 other is autumn
 my hometown is nihility
 I'm a sad man
 I'm a funny man
 my five sisters was put alienation to me.
 they played video game without me.
 mother and they talked about life and path to school without me.
 always loner was me,
 they do decision to dog without me,
 I hate dog, I like cat
 they  do teach scholarship system without me,
 I had many father's violent language and mindless vandalism.
 my all things was destroyed 
 and my soul is destroyed
 I'm grow up adult, I wanna kill they.
 I'm grew up from they malice.
 mother gone,
 father gone,
 big sister,
 little sisters,
 like daydreaming,
 all fade away. 
 that's is killing my hart fact it now.